Our Clients

Rapoza Associates is extremely proud of our clients and the important work they do to revitalize rural and urban communities across America. Our clients include many of the leading community development finance, housing and rural development, transportation, education, and human services organizations and associations in the nation.

Our clients include:

  • Over 60 of the nation’s leading community development organizations working on housing, community development, and economic revitalization strategies in urban and rural America, including Coastal Enterprises (ME), Chicanos Por La Causa (AZ CAP Services (WI), Impact Services (PA), Kentucky Highlands (KY), Midwest Minnesota CDC (MN), and TELACU (CA);
  • Leading National Organizations, including:  National Development Council and Rural Community Assistance Partnership; and
  • Coalitions, including the National Rural Housing Coalition, the New Markets Tax Credit Coalition, the Coalition of Community Development Financial Institutions, and Friends of SBA Microloan Program.

Some of our clients: