Rapoza Team

Bob Rapoza
President and Founder
Bob Rapoza has more than four decades’ experience as a professional lobbyist and is an expert on the federal budget and appropriations process, with special expertise in federal housing and community development policy. He has been responsible for numerous legislative accomplishments, including sustaining federal rural housing and community development programs, establishing the Intermediary Re-lending Program at the Agriculture Department, increasing funding for community development programs at the Department of Health and Human Services, promoting the creation of a YouthBuild program at the Department of Housing and Urban Development and, most recently, successfully steering the New Markets Tax Credit program to enactment and implementation.
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Paul Anderson
Vice President
Paul Anderson is Vice President of Rapoza Associates. Paul works to advance the legislative priorities of community and economic development clients, including the New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Coalition and CDFI Coalition, by lobbying Congress and federal agencies on their behalf. He is the author of the NMTC Coalition’s annual Progress Report, a publication based on the Coalition’s annual survey of CDEs.
Previously he served as Director of Programs at the George Mason University Center for Social Entrepreneurship, and in Congressional Affairs at the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Paul is a graduate of the University of Virginia with a degree in Political Science.
Kim Reed
Director of Administration
Samuel Rapoza
Research Associate
Sam Rapoza is a Research Associate at Rapoza Associates. At Rapoza Associates he specializes in social media, client outreach, facilitating congressional meetings, data analysis, and GIS mapping. He previously worked as a field engineer for Hillis-Carnes in Dover Delaware and as a intern for Senator Harkin’s personal office. Sam is a graduate of the University of Delaware’s College of Earth Ocean and Environment.
Madison Smith
Association and Government Affairs Coordinator